Legacy Scholarship Program

The Legacy Scholarship Program was established in 1986 as a separate nonprofit corporation governed by the Scottish Rite Masons of Texas for the sole purpose of providing educational scholarships for former patients of Scottish Rite for Children. Since 1986, the program has awarded nearly 3,000 scholarships totaling more than $6 million. The scholarship offers former patients financial assistance with the essentials, such as tuition, books, room and board, and specialized individual needs.

The Legacy Scholarship Program:

  • Has awarded more than $6 million in scholarships.
  • Awards nearly 100 scholarships annually, totaling more than $400,000.
  • Creates a unique, caring network of support for recipients.

Legacy Scholarship Program: Guidelines

We encourage former Scottish Rite for Children patients to consider applying for a Legacy Scholarship. Our scholarships are uniquely designed to help patients accomplish educational goals. Applicants who plan to attend a technical or trade school are considered equally with students enrolling in a community college or university.

  • An applicant must be a former patient of Scottish Rite for Children to be considered for a scholarship.
  • High school graduation or equivalent is required. 
  • Applicants must have applied and been accepted to an undergraduate program in a university, community college or approved technical training program.
  • Scholarship awards are based primarily on financial need, academic record and challenges met.

Legacy Scholarship Program: How to Apply

Legacy scholarships are made possible thanks to the generous gifts of many friends who make dreams come true for these young people. To apply for the 2024-2025 year, complete the Legacy Scholarship Application available on the Resources page. To request an application for future years, please complete the Legacy Scholarship Program Request form. The application will be provided no sooner than January of the student's senior year of high school and must be completed and returned by March 8. Applicants who prefer to attend a technical or trade school are considered equally with students enrolling in a community college or university.

Legacy Scholarship Awards Program